What is an ICO?
ICO is an acronym that means Initial Coin / Crypto-asstet Offering, that is, initial offer of cryptocurrency whose purpose is that companies may arise for a financing formula in cryptocurrencies.
Nowadays, Is it possible an ICO / STO in Spain? Yes, it is.
At Larrauri & Martí through our technological partner Cysae we have proven experience in advising projects that want to use this innovative financing methodology, since they have been the pioneers that have managed to carry out the first ICO in Spain.
How do we do it?
We advise on the legal design of ICOs, that is, on the legal configuration of the token (whether utility or security tokens), the preparation of the White Paper, the issuance and the consequent relations with the regulator (CNMV). This implies, therefore, to comply with financial, tax, and commercial regulations and grant legal viability to your project.
In summary, the service encompasses both complete advice and technological development for the ICO, both in Spain and abroad (Gibraltar, Malta or Estonia)